Trigger Yield Calculator

Trigger yields assist producers with crop insurance and risk management decisions. Understanding what will trigger loss payments is an important part of choosing the correct level of crop insurance coverage.

The results provided by this tool are for estimation purposes only; actual loss triggers may vary. Contact your Frontier Farm Credit insurance officer for more information.


Moisture adjustment is applied prior to applying any qualifying quality adjustment factors such as test weight, kernel damage, etc.

With the Revenue Protection plan, a price guarantee is set in both the spring (Projected) and fall (Harvest). Your final Revenue Guarantee is based on the higher of the spring or fall price. See how prices change from the time they are set before planting until harvest with our price history chart.

Projected Corn Price History
Year Price
'15 4.15
'16 3.86
'17 3.96
'18 3.96
'19 4.00
'20 3.88
'21 4.58
'22 5.90
'23 5.91
'24 4.66
Harvested Corn Price History
Year Price
'15 3.83
'16 3.49
'17 3.49
'18 3.68
'19 3.90
'20 3.99
'21 5.37
'22 6.86
'23 4.88
Projected Soybean Price History
Year Price
'15 9.73
'16 8.85
'17 10.19
'18 10.16
'19 9.54
'20 9.17
'21 11.87
'22 14.33
'23 13.76
'24 11.55
Harvested Soybean Price History
Year Price
'15 8.91
'16 9.75
'17 9.75
'18 8.60
'19 9.25
'20 10.55
'21 12.30
'22 13.81
'23 12.84
Projected Winter Wheat Price History
Year Price
'14 7.02
'15 6.30
'16 5.20
'17 4.59
'18 4.87
'19 5.74
'20 4.35
'21 4.90
'22 7.08
'23 8.79
'24 7.34
Harvested Winter Wheat Price History
Year Price
'14 7.17
'15 5.31
'16 4.50
'17 4.59
'18 5.07
'19 4.63
'20 4.44
'21 6.21
'22 10.88
'23 8.20
'24 6.27

Calculation Periods

Find the commodity exchange price calculation periods for various crops.



  • Commodity Exchange: Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
  • Contract Month: December
  • Projected Price: February average daily settlement price
  • Harvest Price: October average daily settlement price


  • Commodity Exchange: CBOT
  • Contract Month: November
  • Projected Price: February average daily settlement price
  • Harvest Price: October average daily settlement price


Find common abbreviations and acronyms used to describe crop insurance plans and details.
  • Abbrev. Term
  • AF Annual Forage
  • AIP Approved Insurance Provider
  • APH Actual Production History
  • APHTH Actual Production History Transfer History
  • AR Acreage Report
  • ARD Acreage Reporting Date
  • ARPI Area Risk Protection Insurance
  • BFR Beginning Farmer and Rancher
  • BP Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions
  • BU Basic Unit

Ready to Talk?

Contact us if you have questions or need more information. Fill out the form, or connect with your local office using the Office Locator.

Frontier Farm Credit serves farmers, ranchers, agribusinesses and rural residents in eastern Kansas. For inquiries outside this geography, use the Farm Credit Association Locator  to contact your local office.