Livestock Risk Protection Insurance

Insures against decreases in livestock selling prices while enabling producers to benefit from an increase in market prices.

How Livestock Risk Protection Works

Icon of a bull
Coverage Details

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is an insurance program offered to producers of fed cattle, feeder cattle, marketable dairy cattle and hogs.

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Price Level

A user of LRP first selects an end date for the insurance policy that is close to the expected marketing date for the livestock and then selects a coverage price level to insure.

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Coverage Price

If, on the end date of the policy, the regional/national cash price average (not the producer’s cash price) is below the insured coverage price, the LRP insurance pays an indemnity to make up the difference.

Livestock Risk Protection Overview

Understanding Livestock Risk Protection Insurance

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is a federally subsidized risk-management program designed to insure against a decline in livestock market prices. Producers may choose from a variety of coverage levels and insurance periods that help protect against national marketplace volatility. Insurable livestock include Fed Cattle, Feeder Cattle and Swine. LRP uses area pricing to determine indemnities and is offered on a per head basis.

Watch the video to learn more.

Key Policy Benefits

  • Large premium subsidies, making coverage more affordable
  • Premium payments are due at the end of the insurance period
  • Uses area pricing to determine if an indemnity is due (the producer’s price is never used)
  • Allows for the coverage on a wide variety of livestock, including unborn cattle and swine
  • The ability to market livestock up to 60 days prior to the end of the insurance period

General Information

  • Protects against a drop in market price (producer’s marketed price doesn’t affect indemnity)
  • Must have full or partial ownership of the livestock to be insured
  • Must list the state and county where the livestock are located
  • Once insured within a state, the livestock may be moved across state lines
  • Not required to insure all livestock
  • Livestock must be intended for market/slaughter
  • Producers must have Form AD 1026 on file with the FSA to qualify for the subsidy

Available to all qualifying producers regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted of funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).

Are you covered?

We know crop insurance decisions can feel complicated. Our insurance officers have access to a tool that analyzes your numbers and local data to help you make the best decisions to meet your goals. Get started by completing the inquiry form and we’ll find a time that is convenient for you to meet with us.

Why Work With Us for Livestock Insurance

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Dedicated Specialists

Our agents are non-commissioned and focus 100% of their time on crop insurance and livestock insurance — every working day of every week in the year. They don’t sell property, casualty or life insurance.

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Highly Trained

Our insurance officers receive annual training on RMA changes to crop insurance and livestock insurance plans and stay informed throughout the year.

Icon of a light bulb and circle with a dollar sign and arrows pointing in a circle
Financial Expertise

As a lender, we understand financial risk and work to protect your working capital, not just your crop or livestock.

Icon of a hand pointing at a browser window with a dollar sign in the middle
Exclusive Tools

Leverage our exclusive policy review and Hail Analyzer tools to receive a personalized insurance plan - maximizing your net indemnity, cash flow, forward market opportunities, and minimizing your premium costs.

How do I get LRP coverage?


Contact your local office or use the office locator.


Work with your local office to complete an application.


When you are ready for coverage to take effect, you will need to:

  • Determine the number of animals you wish to cover that will be ready for market at a particular weight.
  • Choose the insurance period appropriate for reaching the target weight.
  • Select a coverage price for the duration of the policy.
  • Contact your agent no later than 4:00 p.m. in order to bind the desired coverage. The rates are only good for that day.
cows in pasture pen

Livestock Insurance Analyzer

Understanding the Livestock Insurance Analyzer

The Livestock Insurance Analyzer is Frontier Farm Credit's proprietary tool that provides daily premium rates and coverage prices to help you make informed LRP purchases. It also provides historical performance, endorsement tracking, custom price reports, and more to help you see the full picture before making decisions.

RMA coverage prices are updated daily by 4:30 p.m. on the Livestock Insurance Analyzer. Easily accessing these daily LRP quotes is just one benefit of the tool. The Livestock Insurance Analyzer helps you calculate the numbers that really matter to your business.

The table represents an example from our Livestock Insurance Analyzer that shows LRP coverage options for Feeder Cattle for a 26-week period. The Coverage Price is the producers’ market coverage, Producer Premium is their cost for that coverage, and Net Guarantee is showing their bottom line after applying coverage.

Expected Price ($/cwt)Coverage PercentageCoverage Price ($/cwt)Producer Premium ($/cwt)Net Guarantee ($/cwt)

How do I access the Livestock Insurance Analyzer tool?

We offer livestock insurance customers access to the Livestock Insurance Analyzer tool to help navigate the variables specific to their livestock operation.

New Account

To request a Farm Credit Livestock Insurance Analyzer account, complete the contact form and include a message about requesting an account.

Existing Account

If you already have a Farm Credit Livestock Insurance Analyzer account, visit and click the Login button.

Our exclusive Livestock Insurance Analyzer is now mobile.

View daily quotes, request coverage, get notifications, access PDF reporting and more.

Download the app from your preferred app store. A login to access the Livestock Insurance Analyzer will be provided to customers with applications and a signed user agreement.

Crop Insurance Resources

Key Crop Insurance Dates

Important upcoming deadlines for crop insurance.

July 1, 2025

Premium Billing Date
Winter Wheat

July 15, 2025

Acreage Report Deadline
Corn, Soybeans and Spring Wheat

August 15, 2025

Premium Billing Date
Corn, Soybeans, Spring Wheat

September 30, 2025

Margin Protection Sales Closing Date - Corn, Soybeans, Spring Wheat

Sales Closing Date & Purchase / Cancellation / Transfer / Change Date - Winter Wheat

man and woman couple smiling

Your Success Matters.

You need a lender who understands agriculture and your unique needs. We have entire teams dedicated to your success, from local advisors to economists to commodity specialists and more. Every day, we work to be your most valued financial partner.

Ready to Get Started

Complete the inquiry form or connect with a local office for more information.