
We offer a full line of crop and livestock insurance and the tools and service to help find the best fit for your operation.

Insurance Products

Crop Insurance

We offer a full line of crop insurance products with multiple insurance companies.

Icon of a shield with a dollar sign in the middle above a row of seedlings
Revenue Protection

Provides protection against production loss, price decline or increase, or a combination of both.

Icon of a hand holding a plant with two leaves
Yield Protection

Provides protection against production loss from natural causes such as drought, excessive moisture, wind, frost, insects and disease.

Icon of a circle with a dollar sign in the middle above a graph
Actual Production History

Provides protection against production loss for crops not covered by Revenue Protection or Yield Protection plans.

Area Yield Protection

Provides protection against widespread loss of yield in a county.

Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Product Comparison

Review our side-by-side comparison of federal crop insurance coverage options.

Other Insurance Products

We offer a full line of crop insurance products with multiple insurance companies. 

icon of mountains in the background and a green fence in the foreground
Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Insurance

Provides coverage for pasture, rangeland or forage acreage for haying or grazing livestock.

Pasture Fire / Hay Fire Insurance

Provides coverage for pasture, rangeland, and forage ground against fire caused by lightning strikes, equipment and machinery, and weather-related downed power lines.

Whole Farm Revenue Protection

Provides a risk management safety net for all commodities on the farm (crops and/or livestock) under one insurance policy.

Icon with a sun and field with a dollar sign within a shield in the lower left
Annual Forage

Protects livestock and forage producers against losses due to low moisture conditions.

Area Plans

Area plans or county-based coverage can be added to your underlying policy to help bridge the gap between profit and loss, particularly in years when commodity prices are lower.  Learn More

Margin Protection

Provides coverage against unexpected losses due to price, yield or an increase in input costs.

Enhanced Coverage Option

Area-based coverage that can be added on top of your individual coverage - used with Revenue Protection (RP), RP with Harvest Price Exclusion (RP-HPE), Yield Protection (YP) and Actual Production History (APH).

Icon of a leaf and a circle with a dollar sign in the middle to the lower right
Supplemental Coverage Option

Adds area-based coverage on individual insurance plans. You must have underlying APH, RP, RPHPE or YP policy in place and be enrolled in Price Loss Coverage program under the Farm Bill.

Icon with a sun and field with a dollar sign within a shield in the lower left
Area Revenue Protection

Provides protection against widespread loss of revenue, yield or a combination of both in a county.

Hail and Wind Insurance

Hail and Wind insurance provides the grower protection against yield reduction caused by hail and/or fire. 

Icon of a cloud and rain on a young field
Hail and Wind Protection

Protects against damage due to hail and/or fire. Production Hail and other private policies are available.

Livestock Insurance

We offer livestock insurance products with multiple insurance companies.

Icon of a bull
Livestock Risk Protection

Insures against decreases in livestock selling prices while enabling producers to benefit from an increase in market prices.

Icon of a pig
Livestock Gross Margin

Protects against a decrease in margin caused by a drop in livestock prices or an increase in feed costs.

Icon of a spotted cow with horns and udder
Dairy Revenue Protection Insurance

Provides protection to dairy producers when dairy margins are below the margin coverage levels.

Why Work With Us for Insurance

Icon of a person with a thought could with a leaf in the center
Dedicated Specialists

Our agents are non-commissioned and focus 100% of their time on crop insurance and livestock insurance — every working day of every week in the year. They don’t sell property, casualty or life insurance.

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Highly Trained

Our insurance officers receive annual training on RMA changes to crop insurance and livestock insurance plans and stay informed throughout the year.

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Financial Expertise

As a lender, we understand financial risk and work to protect your working capital, not just your crop or livestock.

Icon of a hand pointing at a browser window with a dollar sign in the middle
Exclusive Tools

Leverage our exclusive policy review and Hail Analyzer tools to receive a personalized insurance plan - maximizing your net indemnity, cash flow, forward market opportunities, and minimizing your premium costs.

Crop Insurance Podcasts

Members of our experienced crop insurance team discuss how crop insurance and marketing goals can work together to provide the best financial return. Listen to our audio programs to learn more.

phone with headphones resting on bag in an open field

Trigger Yield Calculator

Trigger yields assist producers with crop insurance and risk management decisions. Understanding what will trigger loss payments is an important part of choosing the correct level of crop insurance coverage.

husband and wife smiling

Easier Acreage Reporting with Precision Technology

Learn how to save time and money using precision reporting for your crop insurance.

Crop Insurance Resources

Key Crop Insurance Dates

Important upcoming deadlines for crop insurance.

July 1, 2025

Premium Billing Date
Winter Wheat

July 15, 2025

Acreage Report Deadline
Corn, Soybeans and Spring Wheat

August 15, 2025

Premium Billing Date
Corn, Soybeans, Spring Wheat

September 30, 2025

Margin Protection Sales Closing Date - Corn, Soybeans, Spring Wheat

Sales Closing Date & Purchase / Cancellation / Transfer / Change Date - Winter Wheat

Ready to Get Started

Complete the inquiry form or connect with a local office for more information.