Revenue Protection Insurance

Crop insurance that provides protection against lost revenue caused by production loss, price increase or decrease, or a combination of yield and price.

Product Overview

Understanding Revenue Protection Insurance

Revenue Protection is an insurance product designed to protect farmers' income by offering coverage against the potential revenue loss resulting from various perils. Unlike traditional crop insurance that focuses solely on yield or production, Revenue Protection takes into account both yield fluctuations and changes in crop prices to provide a more holistic and accurate assessment of revenue risk. 

farmer wearing work gloves holding grain in his hands


  • Protects against lost revenue due to reduced yields and/or price, with upside harvest price potential.


  • RP– Approved Yield x selected level x greater of Projected or Harvest Price.
  • RPHPE – Approved Yield x selected level x Projected Price.


  • 100% of commodity contract traded on specified commodity exchange.

Coverage Level

  • 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%.

Eligible Crops

  • Plans may be available on barley, canola/rapeseed, corn, grain sorghum, popcorn, soybeans, sunflowers and wheat.


  • Enterprise, basic and optional.


  • Paid when Calculated Revenue, determined using Harvest Price, is less than the final Revenue Protection Guarantee.

Additional Coverages

  • Prevented planting and replant coverage are part of the policy.
  • High-risk land rates and written agreements are available.
  • If enrolled in Price Loss Coverage (PLC), the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) can be added to an RP policy. It adds area-based coverage to individual insurance plans.

Available to all qualifying producers regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted of funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).

Review our side-by-side comparison of federal crop insurance coverage options.

Are you covered?

We know crop insurance decisions can feel complicated. Our insurance officers have access to a tool that analyzes your numbers and local data to help you make the best decisions to meet your goals. Get started by completing the inquiry form and we’ll find a time that is convenient for you to meet with us.

Why Work With Us for Crop Insurance

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Dedicated Specialists

Our agents are non-commissioned and focus 100% of their time on crop insurance and livestock insurance — every working day of every week in the year. They don’t sell property, casualty or life insurance.

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Highly Trained

Our insurance officers receive annual training on RMA changes to crop insurance and livestock insurance plans and stay informed throughout the year.

Icon of a light bulb and circle with a dollar sign and arrows pointing in a circle
Financial Expertise

As a lender, we understand financial risk and work to protect your working capital, not just your crop or livestock.

Icon of a hand pointing at a browser window with a dollar sign in the middle
Exclusive Tools

Leverage our exclusive policy review and Hail Analyzer tools to receive a personalized insurance plan - maximizing your net indemnity, cash flow, forward market opportunities, and minimizing your premium costs.

Trigger Yield Calculator

Trigger yields assist producers with crop insurance and risk management decisions. Understanding what will trigger loss payments is an important part of choosing the correct level of crop insurance coverage.

husband and wife smiling

Manage Risk With a Team That Understands It.

Our insurance agents are highly trained, dedicated specialists who have the tools to help you make important risk management decisions.

Crop Insurance Resources

Key Crop Insurance Dates

Important upcoming deadlines for crop insurance.

July 1, 2025

Premium Billing Date
Winter Wheat

July 15, 2025

Acreage Report Deadline
Corn, Soybeans and Spring Wheat

August 15, 2025

Premium Billing Date
Corn, Soybeans, Spring Wheat

September 30, 2025

Margin Protection Sales Closing Date - Corn, Soybeans, Spring Wheat

Sales Closing Date & Purchase / Cancellation / Transfer / Change Date - Winter Wheat

Ready to Get Started

Complete the inquiry form or connect with a local office for more information.